A joyful experience so many opportunities

I can never decide between snowy white flakes and the lush green of the meadows.

So I choose both.

Summer holidays

Get here and smell the aroma of the Alpine meadows. This is probably the first thing, and also the nicest thing, that awaits you during your holiday in the mountains – that goes without saying. That done, the best thing to do then is explore the natural surroundings around the KRAFTalm. Whether off your own bat, or with information and insider tips from us, up here everyone will find their own favourite place.

Do you know what is more unique than buckling up your skis or snowboard right on our doorstep and making the first tracks through the new snow? No?! Neither do we ;-) After all, anyone spending the night in the KRAFTalm has this privilege – since we are up at 1355 m, high above the valley in the middle of the extensive Skiwelt Wilder Kaiser Brixental. A whole 284 kilometres of pistes with 90 state-of-the-art lifts can be accessed direct from the KRAFTalm. Winter sport is variety-packed here with us. So gaze in wonder at the snow-covered mountains, in magnificent sunshine on a tandem flight, and tobogganers and winter hikers can get to Skiwelt too.

Do you accept the challenge?

  • Be the first on the mountain.
  • Use all of the lifts in Skiwelt - Wilder Kaiser Brixental once.
  • Eat at least one ‘Kaiserschmarrn’ and drink an ‘Almdudler’.
  • Listen to the echo of a happy cry in the mountains.
  • Enjoy sunset on the mountain.
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